All I Want for Christmas – Global Toy Manufacturer Names Hot Toys of 2021 | Exclusive News

2021-11-22 07:41:06 By : Ms. Nancy Yang

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According to global educational toy manufacturers VTech and LeapFrog, when it comes to the most popular toys this Christmas, this is a case of combining old and new.

VTech Australia and New Zealand marketing manager Maud Rocher said that classic toys will never lose the lasting popularity of children. They have a series of classic educational toys that will also attract parents' nostalgia.

"Our Marble Rush suit series is a twist on the classic, combining sound and lighting effects. But just like many parents built marble jumps and runs in their own childhood, these two sets are full of thrilling jumps and Stunts-the marble dash adventure suit even has an electronic Ferris wheel," Rocher said.

As people have more time at home during the Covid-19 lockdown, pet adoption has surged globally, which has also created demand for pet toys, including VTech's Play and Go Puppy Salon for preschoolers.

"Through this puppy salon, children can role-play and learn to be responsible puppy owners. The salon includes a pretend puppy, a pet harness and a series of grooming accessories. We like to think that we are helping to reduce the pressure on parents. Not ready to take on the lifelong commitment of a new dog!"

The trend in Europe is the prevalence of the category of storytelling toys: portable devices that play story audio, activate the imagination of children and allow them to enjoy hours of entertainment.

Rocher said in France last year that the leading storytelling brand sold more than 100,000 pieces to French children, becoming the number one selling toy in 2020. Similar toys were on the Hot List in Germany this year and are paving the way for storytellers like the award-winning LeapFrog storytelling device in English-speaking countries.

"Leapfrog On-the-Go Story Pal player allows children to enjoy story time wherever they go. It stimulates imagination through more than 30 stories, poems, songs and lullabies, including the stories of Peter Pan, Peter Rabbit, and boys Wait for the classic fairy tale who cried the wolf and the emperor’s new clothes.

"The narrator, character voices, sound effects and content encourage listening comprehension and lay the foundation for a love of storytelling. This cute bunny-shaped player has easy-to-navigate controls and a headphone jack, so children can listen anywhere. "

She said that there is still more than a month before Christmas, and these three toys are already very popular in stores.

"These educational toys can teach role-playing, engineering and literacy knowledge to children of all ages, and are in great demand, so if you want a specific gift, please start shopping as soon as possible. The children tell us that they play these three All the toys had a lot of fun, they didn’t even realize they were learning."

Recently passed the STEAM certification of the Toy Association, these interactive marble sets have three different learning levels from beginner to advanced, suitable for children of preschool and elementary school age.

Are you ready to use the Marble Rush Launch Pad for a long-distance space journey?

This exciting color-coded toy set contains all the parts you need to create a space-themed Marble Rush voyage, including jumps, stunts and even an electronic ship. The electronic spaceship module will trigger cool sound effects when the marbles pass through, enhancing your outer space theme adventure.

Including 10 marbles, 79 assembleable building parts and three building levels (beginner to advanced), it’s fun! Includes easy-to-follow assembly instructions) and is compatible with other VTech Marble Rush products.

The Marble Rush Launch Pad is suitable for children over 4 years old and can be purchased at Farmers, ToyWorld and premium toy stores and online retailers.

It's time to create the ultimate project with Marble Rush Adventure Set! This exciting color-coded toy set contains all the parts you need to create a Marble Rush Adventure full of jumps, stunts and even an electronic Ferris wheel. Two electronic modules allow to reset the marble movement or split the track, while playing cool sound effects to enhance the experience.

Including 10 marbles and 135 building parts to be assembled and three building levels (beginner to advanced), there is a lot of fun. Includes easy-to-follow assembly instructions and is compatible with other VTech Marble Rush products.

The Marble Rush Adventure Set is suitable for children over 4 years old and can be purchased at Farmers, Toyworld, premium toy stores and online retailers.

Style your new pet in Play & Go Puppy Salon. Open the pet cage and use the built-in salon to groom your puppy. When you pretend to wash, groom, dry and trim this soft puppy, lighting and sound effects enrich the game time.

Learn about color and puppy grooming while playing. Place the puppy on the rotating seat or use shampoo, hair dryer, and shower to activate songs, lights, and phrases. Rotate the seat, from the shower to the beauty and then to the styling station. Wash the puppy with a fake shower spray, and then use a hair dryer to dry the puppy's fur. Press the five lighted buttons to hear information about colors, touch-ups, and more. Extend the game time through learning, beauty fun, and sound and music playback modes. All game pieces are stored in the carrier. (Not suitable for playing with water.)

Play & Go Puppy Salon is suitable for preschoolers between 2 and 5 years old and can be purchased at Kmart, The Warehouse, Toyworld and boutique toy stores.

On-the-Go Story Pal player allows children to enjoy story time wherever they go.

Stimulate your imagination with more than 30 stories, poems, songs and lullabies.

The narrator, character voice, sound effects, and content encourage listening comprehension and lay the foundation for a love of storytelling. This cute bunny-shaped player has easy-to-navigate controls and a headphone jack, so kids can listen anywhere (headphones not included).

Personalize On-the-Go Story Pal by recording your child's favorite story or your own creation. Make playlists of up to five stories, songs, poems or lullabies. The timer allows you to select various stories, songs and lullabies to play before the player shuts down. The easy-to-navigate controls make it suitable for children and easy to use. A strap is included so children can take their On-the-Go Story Pal wherever they want. Free additional content can be downloaded from the LeapFrog Learning Center, which contains four packs of additional stories and music. From then on listening happily. For preschoolers and elementary school children aged 3 to 8, On-the-Go Story Pal can be purchased from Toy World, premium toy stores and online retailers.

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